Andre Niehues

André Niehues


Trust, sympathy and safety are the cornerstones of successful, entrepreneurial activity, today more than ever. Scientific studies prove that 90% of all daily decisions are taken intuitively - unconscious sensory perceptions primarily decide on the success and failure of a product or a service.

In my own management experience within sales of the NIKE and REEBOK brands, I ran advertising and marketing initiatives and was able to observe their effects on customer behaviour. In every case, the crucial factor behind the success of our initiative was the well-being of the person.

Since 2005, in collaboration with Air Creative, I have worked on projects to optimise the air quality of our customers from the most diverse sectors. Among the projects I have led are brands such as Esprit, Levi`s, Triumph, Street One, Pimkie, among others, as well as hospitals, residential nursing homes, doctor’s surgeries and pharmacies.

I would be very happy to help you to create the optimum indoor air environment for your business.


André Niehues
Distribution/Concept consulting
region northwest
Löher Weg 14
51766 Engelskirchen

Tel. 02263/ 96 83 91
Mobile 0160/ 78 76 84 7
Fax. 02263/ 96 83 92