Fragrances in Focus

Fragrances in Focus

Claims from Wikipedia

As soon as you become aware of a scent, interindividual differences between different people immediately develop, which leads in turn to different reactions from them. This phenomenon is due to the close connection between scents and memory. Olfactory stimuli go without detour directly into the limbic system. In this initial stage of processing, the hippocampus (centre of the memory) is therefore also involved.”

If you want to keep away from these interindividual differences, you can use scents in such a way that they never penetrate the consciousness. We can therefore make targeted use of the effect of different fragrances, without personally responding to each person (which would, of course, be impossible). In the meantime, a number of studies show which scent has what effect. Lavender has a calming effect and alleviates stress, and citrus scents enhance concentration. Certain herb or woodland scents even have an antiseptic effect, something that in part substantially reduces the bacterial count in the air.

These are all findings that, of course, we make use of in our daily work with fragrances. However, much more valuable are the experiences accumulated over the course of the last two decades.”