Care & More

Residents, Staff, Visitors

In order to understand what our patients, residents, staff and visitors feel and expect, it is important to understand how we react to smells and scents.

Chemoreception - all sense systems that deal with the recognition of chemical signal substances are summarised under this term. They are necessary for survival from organism to human being. Important behaviour e.g. eating, orientation, reproduction, but also fear and doubt, are also inextricably linked to a functioning sense of smell. This sense has, therefore, quickly developed to maximum efficiency.

The Human

It has become even more complex for human beings, impinges in our lives on many levels, often without us being aware of it. Smells can thus influence our mood and can just as easily produce feelings of pleasure as they can a lack of motivation, sympathy or rejection, also in the sexual domain. The limbic system in the oldest part of our brain is responsible for the olfactory sensory neurons being directly affiliated with the part of the brain in which emotions and impulses exist, which represent the centre of our subconscious.


From targeted odour removal and the output of messenger substances, a very pleasant ambience can be created in the nursing sector - creating an environment that tempts you to stay longer. A feel-good ambience for residents, visitors and employees.