Textil & Mode

Sales Rooms and Changing Rooms

Constant new flagship stores, unusual events and special window displays form the basic framework of sales activities for on-site fashion businesses. The hope that the customer replicates this and feels particularly well dressed as a result are the main arguments.

However, how does the customer see it as a human being?

Are the changing rooms not actually sales rooms?

Experience shows that the POS “changing room” has led a wallflower existence in the textile industry. It is precisely this area that has the biggest “problem zones” and it would be so easy to make a particular “value zone” out of it. You can ask us for good ideas and to find cost-effective solutions.

Here is one example: Multistreamer as a mirror for the changing room!

Study of Customer Priorities

A large funded study about what customer priorities are in the fashion industry resulted in: The customer sees the importance of the sales room quite differently from the shop manager!